
Well, everyone, the exciting news is I am going to be a Mummy!!!!
That's me & Mr Darcy

Last night my humans had to clip some fur from my tummy. It kinda tickled!!! The reason was because today I had something called an "ultrasound" at the Vets.

Then the vet put jelly stuff on my tummy and then rubbed this funny thingy on my tummy. Then on the vets screen showed inside my tummy.

And inside we spotted some ickle little puppies growing inside me!!! ( I knew all along I was in pup and the humans thought so too but they wanted to check to be totally sure!) The puppies were hard to spot but the Vet says there is quite a few!!! So I will have lots of baby puppies :)

Well I am getting kinda big now because you know them puppies take up a lot of room!!! I am also super hungry because I have lots of puppies taking nutrients from my dinner. So my human has started to feed me some more food.

My prince charming is Mr Darcy!!!! And my puppies will be born around July the 30th.

Lots of pupdates to follow :)

Amber x

Raw Feeding - Three Months On

Well, I thought it was time for another "pupdate" on how my raw feedings going - which is really super good. :)

My human says she can really see the positive difference in me since going onto raw.

"Amber is looking absolutely amazing on Raw. Their are lots of changes - glossier coat, sparkling clean teeth, firm waste (and less of it too), and just overall a happier & healthier dog"

I love my raw meals, they are so yummy and much nicer than kibble. Uggh the thought of them dry biscuits. Us doggies are carnivores and we deserve real food!!!

I get something called gRÁW in the mornings. it comes in three lip-smacking flavours: Duck, Duck Heart & Spinach - Salmon & Steamed Veg - Chicken with Beef Organs. I love them all  :)

"I have found gRÁW to be the best pre-prepared food, and Amber loves it!! For her breakfast I tend to give gRÁW as it is just handy and convenient."

Then in the evenings I get my Raw Meaty Bones for great chewing!

"For her dinner she often enjoys a Raw Meaty Bone, which is great for her teeth. Often it is chicken! She also gets turkey legs and pork ribs quite a bit as they are some of her favorites!"

The gRÁW contains lots of fruit & veg (as well as a few supplements) so I tend not get many other things other than just meat in my DIY meals. If the humans have some leftover from their dinner I sometimes get that (or otherwise the chickens do!!!)

I have to eat outside because the humans are fussy about "meat on the carpets" and I don't like keeping my bones on a towel (whats the point??) not that I mind eating outside at all.

For interest, when I started back on raw a few months ago Anna took photos of my teeth. You can really see the difference now.

Holly & Wilson also eat raw. They are thriving on it to and enjoy it loads!! Wilson had a few digestive related issues when he came to us as a puppy, but since being on raw they have totally cleared up. 

Raw truly is the best nutrition for your dog. It's the natural diet for us doggies, what we have evolved to eat. So switch your pooch to raw today too!

Amber x

Pooch Pack!!!

It that time again - Pooch Pack time!!!! Once again, the postman brought me a box of goodies :)

Here was the treasure inside:

Humans kinda ripped the box so that's why it's not in the photo   :P

  • Planet Dog Orbee-tuff fetch. ball 
My human had been hoping to get this for me, as she thought it looked nice, so she was pleased to see it!! We like Planet Dog dogs, as I have a few, so I am looking forward to many fun play times ahead with this super fun toy. Wilson's a fan too.

  • Go Green Pet Water Bottle 
This should be handy for our walkies adventures. Carrying a bowl with us when we go for a stroll is kinda tricky, so this will be useful. I like the doggie design, too!

  • Thrive ProReward Liver
Yum! Yum! Yum! I ADORE liver treats. These are the perfect size for a training treat, and they smell grrreat. Can't wait to eat them!!!

  • Bailey's Bites "Minties"
Never heard of these before today! Well, I tried it and I liked it!!!

So I thought this month's Pooch Pack was woof-tastic. 11 out of 10!!

Amber x

Fun Day Out!!!

Hello everyone :)

Today I took my humans, along with Holly, Wilson & Bramble, to the Bernese Mountain Dog Club Of Ireland Annual Fun Day. This is an important event in my calender because I can meet all my Bernese friends!

I had a great time. There were loads of dog-loving-humans there that all wanted to pet me and give me cuddles. Of course, I loved all the attention and my tail was wagging so hard it was a blur.

I also took Anna to enter me in "Dog with Best Trick" My human has taught me quite a few tricks but as I could only chose one, I did roll over. With a few barks at the end :) And we came 2nd place which meant we got a certificate. I think Anna better stick that up on the wall!

Then there was some doggies getting treats, so I dragged my humans over so I got get a tasty treat, too. I did my best "sit" and I got a lip-smacking-super-yummy reward. So I sat begging for some more of the yummy treats and then I got another one!!

Then my humans took me for a free run in the field beside, where there was a few more Bernese to play with.

Wilson enjoyed meeting all the other big dogs, but Holly was a little yappy. Bramble just wanted to play with them.

And then it was home time and I had a nap on my bed in the back of the car.

What a fantastic day. (And remember humans, we are going again next year too!!)

Amber x
Wilson's new friend!

My Day Today

Today I had a snooze.

And then I ate my dinner, which was some rabbit mince. And then I played with the other doggies.

Tomorrow my humans are taking me out for the day, to a fun place where there will be lots of other Bernese like me!! Check back in soon to hear all about it.


New Antler Chewie :)

Hey everyone!!!!

Guess what I got today!?! A new StagBar aka Antler chewie :)

Recently there has been a little bit of a "thing" with some humans saying antlers aren't a good chew for us doggies because they can cause problems. However, my human decided that everything in life comes with a risk and because I enjoy my antlers SO much that they will still be in my toy box :)

When Anna was at the pet shop the other day she picked me up another new antler. These are great natural chewies for dogs (so are ideal as part of my Raw Diet!) and I am a big fan!!!

I had a really good chew. Then I let Bramble have a turn because she really wanted too. She loves antlers too, just like me. 

That was such a good antler and I enjoyed trying to get all the marrow out. Note to all dogs: Go send your humans out to by an antler. Paws of Approval by Amber. 

And if they refuse, chew up all their shoes until they give in!!!!

Amber x

P.S. My human has been messing around with the photos. They look a little weird but nice!?!

Eating Raw Video!

Here is a video of me and my doggies & kitty friends enjoy our raw diet :)

New Additions

Meet the newest additions to the family.



And Toby 

All 6 week old little rescue moggies with a story. 

Tilly & Tara were dropped into the Vets to be put to sleep. And Toby was born at the vets, his Mum was in for boarding and the next day had given birth to kittens! 

Me & my human family are going to give them a loving home for life :)

They are all such cuties. 

Tara is the cheeky, feisty one who gets up to all the mischief. 

Tilly is the sensible one who loves cuddles. 

Toby is the little baby who loves playing and exploring. 

They are all settling in really well. They had chicken mince (they are on the Raw Diet too, like us doggies!) which they really enjoyed. They also had a drink of goats milk!!! And are loving playing with their new toys. 

I have met them too and gave them a good sniff. I am sure we will be best of friends, me & the kittens. :)

Amber x

Todays News

Today it was really rainy and wet. Luckily, I don't mind that weather too much. Just so long as I have a nice rub down with a towel to dry off when I come back inside :)

My humans were cleaning out the goats shed and chickens coop so, of course, I had to go to help. My assistance is very important. I must eat some poop, say hello to all the animals and keep my humans company.

I am great friends with Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Jessie, Hettie, Whitney, Flora, Lily & Maisy. By the way they are all the goats & chickens :)

Then I had my dinner after a hard days work.

Amber x

P.S. Exciting new additions to the family arriving tomorrow!!!! It's a surprise for now :)

Amber's Doggy School

Me and my humans shoe playing the "catch me" game :)

Hey everyone!!!

Today's lesson: How to teach your humans to play a really FUN game :)

To start, you will require the following:

  • Human
  • A human shoe (ideally a really nice one that they love!!!)
So this is what you have to do:

Under your humans nose grab a shoe. Run around teasing them with the shoe in your mouth. When they start to tell (or rather yell) at you to "drop that shoe! NOW" that's your cue to keep running around with it. 

The next part you have two options. 
  1. Go outside and make sure to go on the wet and muddy areas. If your human starts to chase you then you need to sprint super fast. Your getting them healthy & fit, they need it. 
  2. Stay inside. Do an obstacle course over all the furniture. Under things, over things, get those humans really joining in with you!! 
When they finally give up (because, lets face it they are never going to win) and go and get you a treat to trade it with (try and get some turkey pieces from their roast dinner!!) then you can give up the shoe. 

Play this game often. For one reason: It's grrrrrrrrrreat fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Remember, after all, you are your humans personal fitness trainer. It's every dogs job. 

A Bit of A Breeze (At last!!!)

Hey Everyone :)

Boy, the weather's been hot here!!! It was roasting all weekend long. Today it's cooler at last, yippee :)

Bramble is being cheeky. I keep having to tell her off for being bold. She is quite rough trying to get Wilson to play with her and also just gets up to mischief. She is able to play more with me though now, at last!!!

It was one of the humans birthdays yesterday - Beth (aka Wilson's mummy) She had birthday cake but we never got to try any :( Other than a few crumbs from the floor. It was chocolate brownie....humans say chocolate is very bad for us doggies and will make us really sick. Surely a little won't do any harm I think??? Just a little taster?? But they say no. Oh well, Never Mind!!

I told my owner it was time to re-new our Pooch Pack subscription (because the last box of our three monthly order is coming this month) Luckily she did it otherwise she'd have been in trouble!!! Pooch Pack is grrrrrrrrrrreat :)

My human got a new bigger freezer to store my raw food!!! More yummy things for me :)

We got a new sqeauky toy today. And it's been sqeauked by one of us doggies all day long!!! Haha.

Anyhooooow must be going!!!

Amber x

P.S. That photo is of me crunching through my Turkey Back which I had for dinner this evening. Yum!

Visting Grandma & Grandpa's

Yesterday the whole family (humans & dogs) went to visit Grandma and Grandpa down by the beach.

It was such a sunny weather day so everyone was out in their garden. Grandma and Grandpa grow lots of plants and flowers in their garden, although whenever we explore the flower beds we get told off - boring humans, don't they realise how fun it is to run around in the flower beds?!?

I made sure everyone petted me, and finished off the leftover tea in their mugs!!

It got a little hot then so I retreated to a shady spot.

Then there was some panic as Holly was missing - she had escaped from the garden as the gate blew open in the wind - however when Daddy called her she came right back like a good girl so I didn't have to tell her off.

There are beehives down at Grandma and Grandpa's as they keep bees. They have a huge heather bank (which shh don't tell anyone I secretly like to roll around in!!!) so the bees like living there. Then whilst we were there there was a huge swarm of bees. Suddenly they were all flying around everywhere making a loud buzzing noise. We all went inside so we didn't get stung. I think that means hurt by the bees.

My human brought our dinner with us so I had my beef mince and then helped Wilson finish off his leftovers.

Then it was time for home & then time for bed.

Amber x

P.S. My humans are having chinese takeaway for dinner, I'm hoping for some prawn crackers......

Sunny Weather

Woof World!!!

Here are some photos of me, taken by my human.

It has been very sunny here today, a little too hot for my liking. Holly loves it though because she can sunbathe!

Bramble wasn't here today. And we missed her. My human said that she had to go to the Vets for a day. When she came home we were really excited to see her and wanted to play. But the humans put Bramble in her crate and she stayed there for most of the evening. She is sleeping a lot. And then Anna took her for a short walk in our garden on the lead.

Apparently, it's because she was "neutered" so she has to have a quiet week or two. Oh dear. How boring it's going to be. Bramble is a great play buddy so she better make up for it when she's better again by playing LOADS!!!!

Also, I have some exciting news!! I might be having puppies soon. Which is super exciting, because I really want to be a mummy. More on that in my next post!!

Dinner tonight was a huge turkey drumstick. It was very yummy. It took a lot of chewing but was seriously tasty! By the way, my raw diet is going super well!! Did you know I've been on it for almost two months now! Holly & Wilson are also on raw and love it too.

Anyway, must be off now. Back soon!

Tailwags, Amber x

Another Beach Trip!!!

Helloooooo everyone :-)

I was back at the beach again yesterday - three beach trips in a week can't be bad!!!

My humans cousins were visiting from England, they said they don't leave near a beach, so when they are on holiday they make the most of it.

We tried out a new beach this time, and it was super cool!!! Of course there was loads of exploring to do, as well as the normal rolling around in the sand and splashing in the sea!!

I also made two new doggy friends. A little Jack Russel and a Border Collie who is obsessed with playing fetch.

It was FUN FUN FUN!!! And I got very wet & sandy.....

Amber x

Beach Photos

I had a paw-tastic time at the beach last weekend. Here are some pics!
Amber & Wilson by anna-amber

Amber at the beach
