Tasty Tuesday ~ Liver Cake

Every Dog deserves a yummy treat! Liver cake is one of my all time favourite. That's just what we've been making today ;)

300g Liver
130g Flour
2 Eggs
A clove of garlic

It's easy peasy to make!

- First off you need to chop the liver into small pieces, then blend it.

- Then add all the other ingredients, and mix it all up.

- Line a cake tin, and pour in your mixture.

- Pop it in the oven for about 40 minutes.

- Leave it to cool, then cut into suitable sized pieces.

- Serve to your lucky dog :)

Notes by me ~ on Liver Cake

No.1 Liver cake is very smelly. If you ask me, it's a lovely, droolingly good smell. If you ask the humans, it's digusting. However, on this matter, I have decided I know best :)

No.2 This recipe made us lots of liver cake. I'd have eaten it all in one day, but you know what humans are like! So we put the leftovers in the freezer, for another day.

No.3 You can add other things to your liver cake to vary it. Such as; yogurt, oats instead of flour, a little splash of oil, or goats milk.

Mmmmm......enjoy doggies!

P.S. My puppy boys, Cody & Mossie, went to their first puppy classes last night. So my humans brought along some of the liver cake we made to use as training treats. The boys LOVED it as did their puppy friends (Molly, Polo, Toto, Sherlock & Benji) By the way they were little stars at puppy classes :) I'm one proud Mummy!


  1. That looks so yummy Amber! If you want for next time, when participating in a blog hop, grab the code for the link list and add it to your post in the HTML tab when creating a post. That way you can easily find other's hops and let others view other hops after browsing yours :)

  2. Well, that looks woof-tastic! I agree, the smellier something is the better it tastes. Humans don't know what they are missing!

  3. All the dogs here go BONKERS over liver cake. Too bad the humans most definitely do not. *gag me with a spoon* It's just not that great of a smell. LOL!

    1. Our dogs go bonkers for liver cake here too. I think they'd do *almost* anything for it haha!

  4. Chicken liver or beef liver? This looks revoltingly delicious! Revolting because I'm human, but delicious because my dogs would love it!

    1. We used Beef Liver, as our dogs don't seem to be fond of chicken liver!

  5. DELISH! Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy Tasty Tuesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar


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