Yesterday the whole family (humans & dogs) went to visit Grandma and Grandpa down by the beach.
It was such a sunny weather day so everyone was out in their garden. Grandma and Grandpa grow lots of plants and flowers in their garden, although whenever we explore the flower beds we get told off - boring humans, don't they realise how fun it is to run around in the flower beds?!?
I made sure everyone petted me, and finished off the leftover tea in their mugs!!
It got a little hot then so I retreated to a shady spot.
Then there was some panic as Holly was missing - she had escaped from the garden as the gate blew open in the wind - however when Daddy called her she came right back like a good girl so I didn't have to tell her off.
There are beehives down at Grandma and Grandpa's as they keep bees. They have a huge heather bank (which shh don't tell anyone I secretly like to roll around in!!!) so the bees like living there. Then whilst we were there there was a huge swarm of bees. Suddenly they were all flying around everywhere making a loud buzzing noise. We all went inside so we didn't get stung. I think that means hurt by the bees.
My human brought our dinner with us so I had my beef mince and then helped Wilson finish off his leftovers.
Then it was time for home & then time for bed.
Amber x
P.S. My humans are having chinese takeaway for dinner, I'm hoping for some prawn crackers......
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