Some of my humans have been painting the house today. When I wagged my tail it rubbed against the wall - so I know have some paint on my tail - opps! So not only do I have my normal white tip, I also have some extra white! Anna says it will wash away soon.
Today we had a visit from a friend who we hadn't seen for a while. I liked her very much and was so excited to see her again! She gave me lots of cuddles.
Bramble is being a bit cheeky at times, so I have to bark at her to behave. She doesn't always listen though. Cheeky puppy!
Talking of puppies, my humans cousin has just got a Cavalier puppy - called Ruby!
It is lovely sunny weather here today. But also not too hot. Just as I like it!
P.S. Please keep checking in on my raw feeding section, here, to see how I am getting on. I reguarly put "pupdates" up!